Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) plays an important role within an organisation’s defence posture. CTI not only covers the digital space but also the non-digital space. Using an intelligence-led approach is key to understanding the Threats, Vulnerability, and Impact your organisation may face.


Threat actors are becoming more sophisticated in their approach and advancing their Tactic Techniques and Procedures (TTP). A CTI team can help mitigate these threats by collecting, processing, and analyzing threat data and turning it into actionable intelligence

Are you ready to implement Cyber Threat Intelligence?

Working together

  • Strategic

    Strategic Threat Intelligence offers anywhere between a high- level to in-depth overview of the threat landscape for an organisation. This drives business decisions and outcomes

  • Operational

    Operational Threat Intelligence helps an organisation understand the “Who”, “What”, “Why” and “How” when it comes to threats. This can include cyberattacks and/or campaigns.

  • Tactical

    Tactical Threat Intelligence is focused on the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) of threat actors. What tools are being used? Are the techniques related to a threat actor or actors? As an organisation what mitigations and defences do we have in place?